Give wholesome snack prepared at home. Avoid giving cakes, biscuits, noodles etc.
Give two napkins / tissue, one for keeping below the tiffin box and the other for personal use.
All children should wear stretch pants and T-shirt for dance class and yoga dress for Yoga class.
Boys must wear underwear and girls must wear shorts under their dresses.
A complete set of clothes and a napkin should be kept in school at all times.
Please maintain personal hygiene of your child especially cleaning of ears and trimming of nails regularly. Hair must be neatly tied and checked for nits and lice.
Children should be toilet trained at home.
Label children’s belongings especially their footwear, water bottle, raincoats / umbrella etc.
If you wish to celebrate your child’s birthday in school kindly send only one small chocolate.
Sight words are meant for reading on a daily basis.
Spellings of sight words not to be done.
Encourage your child to read storybooks and children’s magazines/ newspaper.
Follow-up at home
Work done will be maintained in separate files in the class.
Only work done in the school should be practiced as follow-up at home.
Meet the teachers with prior appointment.
Make sure that you meet the teacher when she calls for a discussion. Meeting time can be scheduled convenient to you and the concerned teacher.
Leave note
Ensure that your child is in the class by 8:00 am. If due to any reason he /she is late please accompany the child to the class.
Collect your child at 1:00 pm and do send a written message to the class teacher or office if a relative or friend is going to come to collect your child instead of yourself.
Do send a leave note mentioning the correct reason when your child is absent.
In case the child is sick please do not send the child to school.
Circulars & Notices
Henceforth hard copy of any circular or notice will not be sent home.
The same will be informed through whatsapp groups.
Whatsapp Rules
Please do not forward any unofficial posts, forwards or videos on the group.
Regarding payment of fees please do forward a mail to instead of whatsapp.