A dream lives on...
The journey of advancing holistic education in the then youngest state of India, Goa started with a dream seen by the visionary industrialist and philanthropist, Shri Vishwasrao Chowgule. He firmly believed that Goa deserves the best in education and holistic development of young minds. Thus came into existence the Chowgule Education Society in 1963, soon after Goa's liberation.
The Chowgule Education Society has at its core "promotion and advancement of education" be it formal or vocational from pre-primary to post-graduation. The society today manages pre-primary, primary and secondary schools, the flagship autonomous college, centres of Skill and Creative Studies and state of the art Sports Complex and Academy.
Every institution provides advanced service and the Chowgule Education Society remains committed to keep increasing its impact demography to touch more and more lives every passing year. This aspect is integrated into curriculum designed at all levels.